Teamwork can make a Dreamwork - best ever motivational short film on youtube Individual effort is important, but it's teamwork that makes the dream work. - Inhouse Incorporation
Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. Steve Jobs
Juni 2019 - Vane og Vaneændringer - Habits
Do you ever wonder why you are caught up in a habit that really isn't good for you, or how someone you are leading are? Do you ever wonder why strategies are not implemented? Discover how brain and body works together and how you can change a habit to the better. Relate that to changes at the workplace.
Maj 2019 : Be' om feedback - det virker
Feedback doesn’t help us grow. We excel only when people who know us and care about us tell us what they experience and what they feel, and in particular when they see something within us that really works
April 2019 : Critique and feedback - the story of austin's butterfly - Ron Berger
Vigtigt at lære feedback fra barns ben
April 2019: SLUG FRØEN - Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
How To Be Productive - Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy If you struggle with procrastination and struggle to be productive - this book could be very beneficial if you apply the lessons!