Oktober 2020 - 13 Study Tips: The Science of Better Learning
Our brain can potentially memorize 2.5 petabytes of information, which is roughly the equivalent of 3 million hours of YouTube videos. In order to use some of that staggering capacity a little more effectively when you study, here are some tips that are based on widely-accepted research by neuroscientists and learning experts
September 2020 - The Pygmalion Effect
The Pygmalion Effect is the phenomenon whereby higher expectations lead to higher performance. The Pygmalion effect is also known as the Rosenthal Experiment, named after a research of Robert Rosenthal at Harvard
August 2020: Hvordan giver man feedback, der løfter andres kompetencer?
Juli 2020: Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds
We asked three unique and lovely centenarians what their most valuable life lessons were, and also their regrets.
The conversations that followed were remarkable. They talked about the importance of family, people, relationships and love. Their view on life, as an elderly citizen with a lot of experience is truly an inspiration and motivation. Enjoy the video! And please let us know what your thoughts are!
Juni 2020: Best Insights from Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Aristotle, Eckhart Tolle, Joe
Best Insights from Alan Watts, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Aristotle, Eckhart Tolle, Joe Rogan &More