
Uge 17 2017 : THIS IS YOUR TIME - Motivational Video For 2017

THIS IS YOUR TIME - Motivational Video For 2017
This is your year, this is your time. A new motivational video speech to help you get motivated in 2017. I hope you enjoy this. Stay strong and ignore the doubters!

A new you, a new start :) Good luck to everyone in 2017


Uge 16 2017: Motivation og ledelse

Af Bo Zoffmann og Karin Jessen

Motivation og ledelse -- vejen til glade medarbejdere og øget produktivitet

Få nøglen til indsigt i, hvad der motiverer både dig selv og dine medarbejdere. Et erkendelsesarbejde som vil give større arbejdsglæde, øget produktivitet og ikke mindst et hav af aha-oplevelser!


Uge 15 2017: Muppet Sell


Uge 14 2017: Grønne eller røde briller - Hvad har du på?

Grønne eller røde briller - Hvad har du på?
Der er mindst to måder at anskue verden på.
Hør Mark fortælle om forskellen på at se verden med de røde og de grønne briller


Uge 14 2017: 5 Dysfunctions of a Team /Book in 18 minutes/ Patrick Lencioni

5 Dysfunctions of a Team /Book in 18 minutes/ Patrick Lencioni

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team /Book in 18 minutes/ Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni offers a satisfactory fable about an executive wrestling to take hold of a company and create a smoothly functioning executive team. The narrative moves right along as he addresses the problem of feckless teamwork with the fictitious Decision Tech company as a test case. The novel is interesting, and you can read through it easily, getting to know the characters and participating in their business decisions. However, if you just want to learn about better teamwork quickly and leave, skim to the final chapters. Here, the author outlines a detailed model for diagnosing the five dysfunctions of a team and provides exercises and techniques to ameliorate those dysfunctions. The advice is complete and concrete.

In this summary, you will learn
・ Fundamental principles about teamwork
・ How to apply them to managing teams
・ How to avoid the five mistakes that undermine teams

About the Author
Patrick Lencioni is president of The Table Group, a San Francisco consultancy. He is the author of The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive and The Five Temptations of a CEO.