
Uge 19 2015 : Judging Others is Dangerous

Judging Others is Dangerous: Powerful Story - Video - Don't Jump to Conclusions

We all know others who are consistently critical and judgmental people; who jump to conclusions and enjoy backbiting, gossiping and faultfinding. Judging others is dangerous. Backbiting, gossiping and unfair faultfinding in the workplace can quickly damage friendships, employees, teams and many other relationships.

People who quickly judge others and are constantly critical can really suck the energy out of relationships and teams.

This short powerful story demonstrates that we all have Dirty Windows from time to time and that we should realize that we aren't perfect before we judge another.

When you purchase this video you can use it in training, presentations, church sermons or to open up an employee meeting and help put a stop to judgment of others, jumping to conclusions, backbiting, gossiping and unfair faultfinding in your teams and groups. Help overly judgmental people and critical people realize that no one is perfect.